Juan Miñana

Juan Miñana

Juan Miñana was born in Barcelona in 1959. He made his debut with a book of poetry in Catalan, Party Night (Vespre de Festa, 1979). His first novel, The Claque (La Claque, 1986), a satire about a school of applause, drew critical attention but it was the publication of The Jaquemart (El Jaquemart) in 1991 that made his name. He has since published four more novels - Beijing Beach (La Playa de Pekín, 1996), News from the Real World (Noticias del mundo real, 1999), There’s a Light at Publio Fama’s (Hay luz en casa de Publio Fama, 2009) and Liars’ Sky (El cielo de los mentirosos, 2016) - , a book of short stories - Last Oxtail Soup at the Spanish Club (Última sopa de rabo en la tertulia España, 1992) - and a collection of essays – The Weary Monkey: Reflections on Publicity (El Mono Cansado: Reflexiones sobre publicidad, 1999) - . Much praised by the critics, his work reflects a deep attachment to his native city. 

Books by Juan Miñana 

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